Produsén EVA Foam
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» Foam Liner

Liner busa

Liner busa

PE Foam Gasket 5 Galon Cap Seal Liner

Ngaran produk : PE Foam Gasket 5 Gallon Cap Seal Liner Material : Poliétilén (PE) / Poliétilén Expandable (EPE) Struktur : Sél Tertutup, Chemically Cross-Linked Structure Thickness : 1.5mm / 1.7mm / 2.0mm / 3,0 mm, jsb. Diaméter jero : 20.0mm / 27.0mm, jsb. Diaméter luar : 56.0mm / 60.0mm, jsb. Custom paeh motong : Accept Color : Bodas / alam (White Color With

Kosmétik botol cap PE busa liner botol plastik cap liner

Material PE foam material Thickness 0.5-4MM ensity 25-400kg/m3 Diameter 100-800mm Color White Shape Die cut piece or any shape according customersrequiremen Feature Antioxidant, Tahan cai, Moistureproof, Theftproof,Good sealing and Beautiful Characteristics the foam sheet could also be filmed with PE.PP,PVDC,PET,AL.the foam sheet could also be filmed with PE.PP,PVDC,PET,AL.