Covoraș de joacă pentru copii Covor de joacă pentru copii Covor de joacă pentru sugari Covoraș de târăre Covoraș de podea de exercițiu pentru copii cu pernă de spumă EVA pentru timpul de abdomen
SAFE, SOFT AND DURABLE – Non-Toxic, tested FREE of Lead, BPA’s and Phthalates foam tiles by Stalwart are used to protect your floor and create a comfortable space with exceptional support and cushion.
MULTIPURPOSE – Non-skid textured foam padding can be used anywhere that needs extra cushioning. These quality floor mats are perfect for exercise areas, workshops or playrooms.
NO HASSLE ASSEMBLY – Foam tiles connect quickly and easily, and can be disassembled just as simply for quick storage. Thanks to the puzzle piece edge design, when interlocked the mats stay firmly in place.