EVA फोम निर्माता
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Boat Yacht Non-Slip Floor

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डुङ्गा याट नन-स्लिप र सेल्फ-एडिसिभ सी डेक डुङ्गा फ्लोरिङ प्याड आरभी स्विमिङ पूल म्याट बलियो गोंदको लागि ईभा फोम फ्लोर डेकिंग पाना

Standard Size: 240cm x 120cm/240cm x 90cm/240cm x 60cm or other customized size. boat decking are made from high quality EVA foam. It has advantages of good cushioning, झण्डका प्रतिरोध, heat insulation, non-skid, झटका अवशोषण, salt water proof. Not easy deformation, tear or damage. use a cutting tool to cut any size for installation. This pad with strong adhesive on the