Tapit tal-logħob tat-trabi tat-tfal puzzle tapit tal-logħob tat-trabi tapit taż-żona tal-logħob tat-trabi tapit tat-tkaxkir EVA fowm li jillokkja ma 'xulxin Tapit ta' l-art ta 'l-eżerċizzju mtaffied tat-tfal għall-ħin taż-żaqq
SAFE, SOFT AND DURABLE – Non-Toxic, tested FREE of Lead, BPA’s and Phthalates foam tiles by Stalwart are used to protect your floor and create a comfortable space with exceptional support and cushion.
MULTIPURPOSE – Non-skid textured foam padding can be used anywhere that needs extra cushioning. These quality floor mats are perfect for exercise areas, workshops or playrooms.
NO HASSLE ASSEMBLY – Foam tiles connect quickly and easily, u jista 'jiġi żarmat daqstant sempliċi għal ħażna ta' malajr. Thanks to the puzzle piece edge design, when interlocked the mats stay firmly in place.