Ukuran standar: 100*100cm,100*150cm,100*200cm,100*300cm,150cm*300cm Thickness from 1mm up to 100mm.accept customized size. warna: customized Pantone color EVA foam sheets are an excellent choice for packaging due to their versatility, sifat bantalan, lan ease saka kustomisasi. Mangkene sawetara alasan kenapa lembaran busa EVA cocog kanggo kemasan: Penyerapan kejut: Busa EVA nduweni sifat nyerep kejut sing luar biasa, making it effective in protecting …
Yen sampeyan lagi nggoleki materi serbaguna kanggo proyek DIY, look no further than Eva foam sheets. Eva busa, uga dikenal minangka etilena-vinil asetat, minangka bahan awet lan fleksibel sing wis entuk popularitas ing macem-macem industri. Ing artikel iki, we will explore the benefits of Eva foam sheets and why they are a great choice for your next …
Product Description EVA(Ethylene Vinyl Acetate)EVA foam has the advantage of water-proof, Kelembapan-bukti, kejut-bukti, kedap swara,isolasi, pengawetan panas, bisa didaur ulang, tahan impact apik, lsp, also owns good chemical resistance.We produce eva foam with different hardness,colors and thickness it can be widely used for packaging, craft work,floor mats, insulation and instruction etc. Products Specifications Material: EVA Size: 1mx3m (or custom size) warna: Ireng / putih / Cuttomized) kekandelan: …