Our factory will close from 25th,Jan to 4th,Feb,2025 for Chinese New Year Holiday.
Company Advantages – we take pride in delivering high-quality EVA foam products to clients worldwide. Here are some key advantages that set us apart from the competition: 1. Wide Range of Products We offer a comprehensive selection of EVA foam products, including sheets, mats, rolls, and custom shapes. Whether you need foam for flooring, packaging, sports, or crafts, we have …
Busa EVA, EPE Busa, XPE Busa, IXPE Busa, lan Sponge Foam kabeh macem-macem jinis bahan umpluk karo ciri sing béda. Mangkene risak bedane: Busa EVA (Etilena-Vinyl Asetat Busa): Komposisi Bahan: Busa EVA digawe saka kopolimerisasi etilena lan vinil asetat. Properti: Fleksibel kanthi elastisitas sing apik. entheng lan gampang kanggo nangani. Sifat panyerepan kejut sing apik banget. …
Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) foam is a versatile and durable material known for its flexibility, alam entheng, and excellent shock absorption properties. It is commonly used in a variety of industries and applications due to its unique combination of features. Here are some key characteristics and uses of EVA foam: Komposisi Bahan: EVA foam is made from the copolymerization of ethylene …
Yen sampeyan lagi nggoleki materi serbaguna kanggo proyek DIY, look no further than Eva foam sheets. Eva busa, uga dikenal minangka etilena-vinil asetat, minangka bahan awet lan fleksibel sing wis entuk popularitas ing macem-macem industri. Ing artikel iki, we will explore the benefits of Eva foam sheets and why they are a great choice for your next …
Hardness Shore C 25degree,38Gelar,50Gelar,60degree Dimension Customized Color Yellow,ijo,biru,Jambon,Putih,Ireng,oranye,panton color Logo laser ,screen printing Sample Charge Free charge on existed samples Sample Lead Time 2 Dina kerja tanpa logo dicithak,5 Dina kerja nganggo logo dicithak.
Our Factory will be closed for New Year Holiday from 10th,Februari nganti 21,Feb,2021