EVA froðuframleiðandi
+8618566588838 [email protected]


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CNY Holiday tilkynning

Our factory will close from 25th,Jan to 4th,feb,2025 for Chinese New Year Holiday.

Kostir fyrirtækisins

Company Advantages – we take pride in delivering high-quality EVA foam products to clients worldwide. Here are some key advantages that set us apart from the competition: 1. Wide Range of Products We offer a comprehensive selection of EVA foam products, þar á meðal blöð, mats, rúllur, and custom shapes. Whether you need foam for flooring, Umbúðir, sports, or crafts, we have

munur á eva froðu,epe froðu,xpe froðu,ixpe froðu og svamp froðu

EVA Foam, EPE froðu, XPE froðu, IXPE Foam, and Sponge Foam are all different types of foam materials with distinct characteristics. Here’s a breakdown of their differences: EVA Foam (Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Foam): Material Composition: EVA foam is made from the copolymerization of ethylene and vinyl acetate. Properties: Flexible with good elasticity. Létt og auðvelt að meðhöndla. Excellent shock absorption properties. …

Hvað er eva froða og einkenni

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) foam is a versatile and durable material known for its flexibility, léttur náttúru, and excellent shock absorption properties. It is commonly used in a variety of industries and applications due to its unique combination of features. Here are some key characteristics and uses of EVA foam: Material Composition: EVA foam is made from the copolymerization of ethylene

Ávinningurinn af Eva froðublöðum fyrir verkefnin þín

Ef þú ert að leita að fjölhæfu efni fyrir DIY verkefnin þín, look no further than Eva foam sheets. Eva froða, einnig þekkt sem etýlen-vinýl asetat, er endingargott og sveigjanlegt efni sem hefur náð vinsældum í ýmsum atvinnugreinum. Í þessari grein, we will explore the benefits of Eva foam sheets and why they are a great choice for your next

Sérsniðin eva froðu umbúðir cnc froðu innskot fyrir kassabox

Hardness Shore C 25degree,38degree,50degree,60degree Dimension Customized Color Yellow,green,blár,bleikur,hvítur,svartur,orange,panton color Logo laser ,screen printing Sample Charge Free charge on existed samples Sample Lead Time 2 working days without logo printed,5 working days with logo printed.


Our Factory will be closed for New Year Holiday from 10th,febrúar til 21,feb,2021

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