Neach-dèanamh EVA Foam
+8618566588838 [email protected]

dog ball

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Bàlaichean dèideag cat bogha-froise Bog EVA Foam eadar-ghnìomhach piseagan coin a-staigh cuileanan as fheàrr leotha ruith sàmhach Cluich Bàlaichean foam dèideag

Coloured Foam Cat Toys Balls Soft EVA Foam Rainbow Balls Interactive Cats Small Dogs Toys Materialball is made of soft lightweight EVA Foam Size: 35mm,42mm or other custom size. Suitable for cat,dog play,kids toys,golf ball,Cats can pick them up in their mouth and carry them to wherever he/she wants to play. Great for fetching, training, chewing and teething