Fabricant d'escuma EVA
+8618566588838 [email protected]

Tub d'escuma

» Tub d'escuma

Accessoris d'equips de jocs interiors per a nens Zona de jocs interiors Accessoris de tubs per a parcs d'atraccions Tubs de tubs d'escuma recoberts de PVC Tubs de tubs d'escuma EPE protegeixen la barra de jocs Tub d'escuma EPE

CATEGORIA I Etiquetes:
Tub d'escuma
  • Especificacions

Indoor playground accessories PVC tube insulation soft protective foam tube has Strong Resistance to Collision, Water Separation, Moisture Proof, Strong Toughness, Environmental Protection and Recycling.

Standard size outer diamter:85mm,inner diameter:55mm,Length:2500mm. also accept other custom size.

a. Tasteless and non-toxic
b. Light weight, good flexibility and cushioning
c. Low thermal conductivity and superior heat insulation
d. outstanding waterproof and anti-corrupt capability
e. Thickness and size can reach customersrequirements

Ús:Kindergarten, preschool, Amusement/tramline parks , indoor/outdoor playground


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